
Roadside Station Shimanami no Eki Mishima (道の駅・しまなみの駅 御島)

Roadside Station Shimanami no Eki Oshima is a souvenir store located on Omishima. It has a market selling local products from Omishima and other islands in the Seto Inland Sea, as well as a bicycle rental terminal for Shimanami bicycle rental service, making it a convenient rest stop for cyclists on the Shimanami Kaido. If you are lucky, you may even be able to enjoy a special pizza (offered irregularly) at the restaurant inside the building.

One of the terminals of Shimanami Bicycle Rental Service

At Roadside Station Shimanami no Eki Oshima, you can buy citrus fruits and other specialties from the islands of the Seto Inland Sea, as well as many specialties from Imabari City in Ehime Prefecture, to which Omishima belongs. One of the most popular products is a towel called “Imabari Towel,” which is the pride of Imabari City shows to the world. The soft, highly absorbent, high-quality towels are synonymous with Imabari, and are one of the most popular souvenirs purchased by many tourists from Japan and abroad. At the Shimanami no Eki Oshima Roadside Station, you can find a variety of Imabari towels, including hand towels and scarves.


3260 Omishima-cho Miyaura, Imabari, Ehime Prefecture, JAPAN
8:30 - 17:00
Never closes