
Okakae Jizo Statue (おかかえ地蔵像)

The Okakae Jizo Statue, located a few paces off the Takehara Historic Preserved District, is a hidden power spot known only to connoisseurs, even amongst Takehara locals. It was established in 1650 as a Jizo shrine, and has been loved by the people of Takehara for centuries. Inside this wayside shrine that sports a sign reading “Okakae Jizo,” one will find enshrined a Jizo statue that is large enough for one to wrap both arms around it. This is a popular tourist spot frequented by those who seek the power of the Okakae Jizo.

The charm of the Okakae Jizo is the legend of the Okakae Jizo statue, which has been told in the Takehara area since the days of yore. “If you chant your desires while embracing the Okakae Jizo statue, those desires will be fulfilled more easily than expected,” says the legend, which is why those from within and without Hiroshima Prefecture come here to make their wishes come true. Because this shrine is also close to other popular tourist spots and hotels in Takehara, lots of people visit in the middle of their Takehara sightseeing.


3 Honmachi, Takehara, Hiroshima Prefecture, JAPAN
Open 24/7
Nature never closes!