
Yamato Museum, a.k.a. Kure Maritime Museum (大和ミュージアム、又の名を呉市海事歴史科学館)

Kure City was once the location of the largest naval arsenal in Japan. During World War II, the city built the great Battleship Yamato, which was one of the world’s largest battleships at the time. After the war, the city built many of the world’s largest trading tankers, and today Kure continues to flourish as a shipbuilding town. The Yamato Museum, located a five-minute walk from Kure Station, is a museum that introduces the modern history of Kure’s use as a military port and Kure’s world-class shipbuilding and their application of science and technology over the ages. The museum has valuable artifacts such as a full-size Type 62 Zero fighter plane and an exhibition room that explains shipbuilding and other scientific advancements in a step-by-step manner that is easy to understand for everyone.

(Exhibition Admission Fee)
General (University students
and above) – ¥500
High School students – ¥300
Elementary/Junior High School
students – ¥200
Preschoolers – Free
※ If you are a student, please
present your passport or
school ID at reception when
purchasing your ticket.

The Yamato Museum showcases the great Battleship Yamato and Kure’s shipbuilding technology. Inside there is a large model of the Yamato scaled down to one-tenth scale. The model is nearly 27 meters long, giving visitors an idea of how big the actual battleship Yamato was. The museum has a ship-sailing simulator where visitors can feel like they are actually piloting a ship. There is also a science show for children to learn about shipbuilding and crafting lessons.


5-20 Takara-cho, Kure, Hiroshima Prefecture, JAPAN
Exhibition Room
9:00 - 18:00 (Admission ends at 17:30)
9:00 - 17:00
Every Tuesday (in the case where Tuesday is a
public holiday, closes the weekday after)

※ Open over Golden Week (Apr 29th - May 5th),
Obon (Jul 27th - Aug 31st), and New Year's Holidays (Dec 29th -
Jan 3rd)