Historic Sites

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Rest House (広島平和記念公園レストハウス)

The Peace Memorial Park Rest House is located near the Motoyasu Bridge, which connects the Peace Memorial Park and the Atomic Bomb Dome. Originally built as a kimono store in the early 20th century, it was located at the site of the 1945 atomic bombing, being only 170 meters away from the explosion center. Now the store has been turned into a facility that provides tourist information and sells souvenirs and original goods of Hiroshima.

In addition to being a tourist facility with souvenir stores and cafes, the Rest House in Peace Memorial Park is also an exhibition facility that teaches about the devastation of the atomic bombing, and the former Nakajima district (the area around the current Peace Memorial Park) before the bombing. One of the exhibits tells the story of a man who miraculously escaped the atomic bombing because at the time the bomb was dropped, he was in the basement while working at the Fuel Hall (now the Rest House).


1-1 Nakajimacho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, JAPAN
March - July, September - November: 8:30 - 18:00
December - February: 8:30 - 17:00
August (except for August 5th and 6th): 8:30 - 19:00
August 5th: 8:30 - 20:00
August 6th: 7:30 - 20:00
Never closes