
Fudenosato Kobo (筆の里工房)

Fudenosato Kobo is a traditional Japanese brush museum located in the town of Kumano. Kumano Town has long been known as one of the most famous brush producing areas in Japan, and the Kumano brush, a traditional craft made in Kumano Town, is popular all over the world. At the “Brush Village Studio,” you can learn about the Kumano brush through exhibitions and demonstrations of brush-making by traditional craftsmen. You can also enjoy the experience of making your own original brush, and if you make a reservation at least one week in advance, you can have your name engraved on the brush.

At Fudenosato Kobo you can learn about the history of the world-famous Kumano brush and its manufacturing process. In the “Brush Master’s House” area, visitors can watch up close as traditional craftsmen make brushes by hand. There is also an area where you can draw pictures and practice writing letters on the wall using a brush and water. There is also an area where you can make sentences using hiragana stamps (unique Japanese characters). At the museum’s store, various types of brushes, including paint brushes and makeup brushes are available for purchase.


5-17-1 Nakamizo, Kumano Town, Aki District, Hiroshima Prefecture, JAPAN
10:00 - 17:00 (admission ends at 16:30)
Every Monday (in the case where Monday is a public holiday, closes the weekday after), New Year's Holidays
※ The museum may occasionally be closed temporarily.