Now & New
Announcement – Offical Opening of our Hiroshima Travel Website. (広島観光メディアサイト開設のお知らせ)
Wako, a jewellery store operating in Hiroshima prefecture (Location: Hondori, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Representative Director: Nobunaga Tanaka) will launch “Joy in HIROSHIMA,” a Hiroshima tourism web media for foreign tourists, on Friday, October 22.
広島県で宝飾品の販売を行う株式会社和光(所在地:広島市中区本通、代表取締役 田中 宣永)は、外国人観光者向けの広島観光ウェブメディア『Joy in HIROSHIMA』を10月22日(金)に開設します。
Hiroshima attracts a large number of foreign tourists every year. Ever since the annual number of foreign tourists exceeded 1 million people in 2014, the number of foreign tourists visiting had continued to increase every year. In 2019, that number reached 2.76 million, making it one of the top cities in Japan in terms of the number of foreign visitors.
However, in 2020 the tourism industry was severely damaged by Corona pandemic, resulting in a drastic decrease in the number of foreign visitors. This was a huge blow to Hiroshima Prefecture, which had previously continued to grow rapidly and thrive in the tourism industry.
Helping the tourism industry to recover is not only a theme in Japan, but all over the world. For a long time, Wako has wanted to convey all of the appealing points of Hiroshima Prefecture to the world from the perspective of those who live in here, so at the end of 2019, Wako and dozens of foreigners living in Hiroshima Prefecture formed a team to launch a project.
This led to the creation of “Joy in Hiroshima” a soon to be launched web media based on the concept of “travel stories that explore deep parts of Hiroshima” developed from the perspective of both foreigners living in Hiroshima and residents of Hiroshima Prefecture.
Through this media, we hope to increase the number of foreign tourists to Hiroshima, both domestic and international, by introducing more places and ways to enjoy sightseeing spots as recommended by foreigners living in Hiroshima. Tourists will be able to learn about local spots where they can experience daily life in Japan, and discover Hiroshima’s special attractions that you might not find in a guide book.
In the future, we would like to expand this service to other areas in the Chugoku region, in order to contribute to the expansion of tourist areas as well as help revitalise the entire Chugoku region using Hiroshima as a hub.
そして、この度ローンチするメディア「Joy in Hiroshima」は、広島在住外国人と広島県民の両視点で展開する「広島を深掘りする旅のストーリー」がコンセプトとなるウェブメディアとなります。
Site Features
A 100 stories of things to experience in Hiroshima, various spot-lists.
Stories from foreigners living in Hiroshima that will help you discover hidden places and ways to enjoy Hiroshima that you won’t be able to find in guidebooks.
Foreign management members
In addition to the members of Wako, we have added foreigners to our team to help us with writer selection, article checking, video distribution, and translation.
- Lewis Rice – New Zealand (Pastor, Web creator, WAKO main advisor)
Thales Lopes – Brazil (Nursery school teacher, video creator, WAKO creator)
George Lauer – USA (Real estate sales, WAKO translator)
Mitchell Adams – New Zealand ( Translator, WAKO translator )
In addition to these names, we have 13 foreign writers from all over the world who will work together to manage the site.
ライス・ルイス~Lewis Rice~ ニュージーランド出身 (牧師、WEBクリエイター、WAKOメインアドバイザー)
タレス・ロペス~Thales Lopes~ ブラジル出身 (保育士、映像クリエイター、WAKOクリエイター)
ジョージ・ラウアー~George Lauer~ アメリカ出身 (不動産営業、WAKOトランスレイター)
ミッチェル・アダムス~Mitchell Adams~ ニュージーランド出身 (トランスレイター、WAKOトランスレイター)
バン・ケビン~Kevin Peng~ アメリカ出身 (外国言語講師、教授、WAKOライター)

Joy in Hiroshima project main member
Production Partner
Gear8 Inc. (Sapporo, Japan), a company based in Hokkaido, has been invited as our production partner to help us with website production, planning, design and strategy.
GEAR8 Co. Ltd. not only produces websites, but also operates “Trippino HOKKAIDO“, a web media for foreigners to enjoy traveling in Hokkaido, and is actively involved in the development of Hokkaido’s tourism industry through expansion of its bases into Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Taipei.
GEAR8 Corporation 1st Floor, Iwasa Building, 5-5 Kita 3-jo Higashi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
株式会社GEAR8は、サイト制作事業だけでなく外国人向けの北海道旅行を楽しめるウェブメディア「Trippino HOKKAIDO」も運営しており、バンコク・チェンマイ・台北へ拠点を広げて北海道の観光産業発展へ向けて積極的な活動を行っております。
株式会社GEAR8 札幌市中央区北3条東5-5岩佐ビル 1階
【Reference Information】
Tourism Situation in Hiroshima
The number of foreign tourists visiting Hiroshima was about 500,000 a year in 2009, however President Obama’s visit in 2016 helped to draw global attention to the city. By 2019, the number of visitors had increased to 2.76 million, a 550% increase in 10 years.
Characteristics of foreign visitors to Hiroshima
Europe, America and Australia are Top 3 countries with visitors to Hiroshima.
There is a low percentage of repeat visitors.
Many visitors pass through Hiroshima on their way to Osaka, Kyoto
Foreigners regard Hiroshima on the same level as Tokyo, Kyoto in terms of being a famous place.
Tourism issues in Hiroshima
Most visitors are transit tourists, staying fewer days.
Low unit travel spending compared to other prefectures.
Tourist attractions mainly revolve around the A-bomb Dome and Miyajima Island.
Low number of visitors from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other Asian countries.
・広島県を訪れる旅行客の中心は欧米豪 ※上位 3ヵ国は欧米豪
Site Outline
Site Name : Joy in HIROSHIMA
Opening date : October 22nd (Friday)
Managing Company :Wako Corporation
サイト名 : Joy in HIROSHIMA
開設日時 : 10月22日(金)
運営会社 : 株式会社和光
Company profile
Trade name : Wako Corporation
Representative : Representative Director, Nobunaga Tanaka
Address : 5-10 Hondori, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City,
Hiroshima 730-0035
Establishment : 1953 February
Business activities : Jewellery brand “WAKO” and bridal jewellery
“WAKOBRIDAL”.We also operate a rental space
business forHiroshima, a nationwide jewellery
e-commerce site and other content sites.
Capital : 10 million yen
URL : Jewelry URL:
Bridal URL:
Online URL:
Contents URL:
Rental Space URL:
商号: 株式会社和光
代表者: 代表取締役 田中 宣永
所在地: 〒730-0035 広島県広島市中区本通5-10
設立: 1953年2月
事業内容:ジュエリーブランド「WAKO」、ブライダルジュエリー「WAKO BRIDAL」の展開。全国向けにジュエリーECサ イトやコンテンツサイトを運営。その他レンタルスペース事業、トラベル事業を運営。
資本金: 1,000万円
Jewelry URL :
Bridal URL:
Online URL:
Contents URL :
Rental Space URL: