
Asa Zoo (安佐動物公園)

Asa Zoo is a zoo located about 45 minutes by Astram Line from the center of Hiroshima City. The zoo has about 170 species of popular animals on display, including elephants, giraffes, and lions, and is still one of the most popular spots in Hiroshima even 50 years after its opening. In particular, the “Pichiku Park,” is an area where visitors can interact with animals such as sheep and miniature pigs and experience pony riding, making it an enjoyable place to bring children of all ages.

At Asa Zoo, you can not only look at the animals on display, but also learn about their diets and lives through different events held at the zoo weekly. In the “Pichiku Park” area, you can actually interact with animals such as sheep, pigs, and many more. The eggs of chickens and quails are displayed until they hatch, and if you are lucky, you can see a newborn chick. Also, during animal feeding time, you can watch the animals enjoying their lunch.


Zoo Asa-cho, Asakita Ward, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, JAPAN
Tel: 082-838-1111
Fax: 082-838-1711
9:00 - 16:30 (admission ends at 16:00)
Thursday (if Thursday is a public holiday or August 6th, the zoo will be open), December 29th - January 1st